Dear Members,
Happy New Year everyone!

I trust that everyone had enjoyed the end of year and welcoming 2024 celebrations with plentiful hope for a better future.
Wow the 2nd day of the 2024 is nearly finished. How quickly the time flies and has gone! And so, that means we now have less than a month away for our Chinese New Year Dinner which is to be held on the 27 January 2024.
May I remind everyone to get your seat tickets as necessary simply through TryBooking now to avoid missing out? Here is a quick link:
For your information, we have also slowly but surely receiving some special bookings through the President or the Secretary. As a result, as you can see from our TryBooking website; it is at the moment updated with only 54 seats left.
Once again, please book now. Do it Quick, Don’t Delay :D
Thanks so much to every one of our members for your kindness and understanding; to supporting the Hakka Association of South Australia Inc.
Warm regards