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China Travel Tour


Tracing of Our Ancestral Roots

Register Your Interest



会长报告说,他与副总领事进行了讨论,他非常支持客家领队的想法。他热心帮助我们并为我们安排一些事情,例如签证申请,以及中国赞助的前景等。 在不久的将来,需要与福泽国际旅行社进行更扎实的提案讨论。显然,目前还没有直飞中国的航班,因此旅行社需要找出最合适的旅行方式和月份;帮助我们制定一个暂定行程。虽然这将是一个持续的规划讨论,乔治也会让他在深圳的表弟与当地协会沟通,为我们收集一些信息和想法。 令人兴奋的是,罗宾说很多人都对“回唐山”感兴趣。

会长确认,他已经与副总领事进行了讨论,并正在寻求他对我们的团体签证申请以及潜在的中国赞助等方面的帮助。在这方面经验丰富的福泽国际旅行社提出了 2 种可能的建议前往中国的团体旅游。代理表示,最好的旅行可以安排在 2024 年 4 月或 9 月。因此,为了帮助我们制定暂定行程,他们需要知道我们有兴趣参观的地方。游览时间可能为 10 至 12 天,不到两周,谨慎值得。 ​​ 这是一个持续的规划讨论;乔治会继续与本署及他的表弟联络,向当地客家总会了解更多有关名胜古迹的资料。会长提醒安娜向我们所有成员了解他们在中国的实际祖传地区,以便我们知道去哪里参观。


会长确实在2023年12月5日获得了福泽国际旅行社的提案。在收到提案(原文附后)后,会长要求安娜将其翻译成英文,然后通过电子邮件发送给委员会所有成员。在同一天将其翻译成英文,随后通过电子邮件发送给委员会所有成员。福泽国际旅行社的翻译提案已提前提交本次会议。 我们所有的成员都通过社交媒体获悉了该提案;有关这个好消息和更新,这些都已发布到我们的网站上供所有人查看。




The President reported that he had discussions with the Deputy Consul-General and that he was very supportive of the idea of a Hakka Lead Tour.  He was keen to help and arrange something for us, for example, visa applications, and the prospect of China sponsorship etc.

And more solid proposal discussion with The Four Seasons Travel Agency is needed in the near future. Apparently, there is the lack of direct airline to China at the moment , therefore, the Travel Agency needs to find out the most suitable way and month to travel; to help bring together a tentative itinerary for us. While this will be an ongoing planning discussion, George will get his cousin in Shenzhen to communicate with the local Association to gather some information and ideas for us as well.

Excitingly, Robin said a lot of people are interested in “Zon Tong San”.

The President confirmed that he has had discussions with the Deputy Consul-General and was seeking his assistance in our group visa applications, and the potential China sponsorship etc. There were 2 possible proposals put forward by the Four Seasons Travel Agency who is experienced in this type of group travel to China.  The Agent said the best trip can be organised either in April or in September 2024.  So, in order to help bring together a tentative itinerary for us, they need to know the places we would be interested to visit. The duration of the tour could be 10 to 12 days which is less than two weeks to be cautiously worthwhile.

This is an ongoing planning discussion; George will continue to communicate with the Agency and with his cousin for more information with the local Hakka Association in terms of the places of interest. The President has reminded Anna to find out from all our members of their actual ancestral areas in China so that we know where to visit.​


The President had indeed obtained a Proposal from Four Seasons Travel and Tours on the 05 December 2023. Upon receiving the Proposal (original attached), the President requested Anna to translate it into English on the same day which was later emailed to all Committee members. The translated Proposal from the Four Seasons Travel and Tours was tabled ahead of time for this meeting.  And all our members were informed of the Proposal through social media; about this good news and updates that had been posted to our website for all to view.  The President said the scheduled date, time and length of the trip appeared to be well organised from the 12 September to 22 September 2024.  

The next step would be for us to provide the Agent with our Hakka Ancestral areas of interest for our intent. We discussed about the Ancestral areas of our memberships based on the report presented. The President said it’s still a long time to go for us to get prepared. And the Agent might join us in the next meeting for a discussion and to update us with briefing as to what is to be expected of our trip to China, our first mission – to seek roots and visit our ancestors.






12 September 2024-22nd Sep. 2024


华夏万姓,同宗同源:慎终追远,不忘机標: 树高千丈,叶落归根:根在中原,血脉带连、


有人说:有太阳的地方就有中国人,有中国人的地方就有客家人,也就是说哪里有阳 光,家里就有客家人;哪里有一片土,客家人就在那重聚放而居,艰苦创业,繁衍后


客家人的分布真的很强大,在中国大陆是属于客家民系,一个具有显著特征的华夏族- 一汉族民系,也是汉族在世界上分布范围最广阔、影响最深远的民系之一,在福建、 江西、广西、四川、台湾等省份,几乎都有客家人的身影,曾经有统计说,客家总人 口达5000万以上,占汉族人口的5%,仅仅在广东省,广东客家人就占了广东人口的 三分之一,在海外,很多国家和地区都有广东客家人的聚居地,如今的客家人遍布亚 洲,光广东一个地方的客家放群就有将近2100万人口,


这次我们将开启寻根访祖旅程,作为客家人,我们将了解客家人早年长期的迁移的历 史,集中居住的落村,客家的方言,客家的文化和客家的习俗,与当地客家代表座 谈,品尝客家的美食;作为侨居南澳客家人的后代,我们将真切地体会到这种浓厚的 客家乡土气息,一方面以告慰一直以来我们对故土和我们的祖辈们的深切的思念,更 主要的是以慰籍时刻在撞击着我们内心的那份思乡之情。











"2024 South Australian Hakka Delegation to China to Seek Roots and Visit Ancestors"


12 September 2024- 22nd Sep. 2024


Ten thousand surnames in China have the same origin and origin: be careful to pursue the distant future, and never forget the mission: the tree is thousands of feet high, and the leaves fall back to the roots: the roots are in the Central Plains, connected by blood,


Some people say: Where there is sunshine, there are Chinese people, and wherever there are Chinese people, there are Hakkas. That is to say, wherever there is sunshine, there are Hakkas at home; wherever there is a piece of soil, Hakkas will reunite and live there. , hard work, after reproduction


The distribution of the Hakka people is really strong. In mainland China, they belong to the Hakka ethnic group, a Chinese ethnic group with distinctive characteristics - a Han ethnic group. It is also one of the Han ethnic groups with the widest distribution range and the most far-reaching influence in the world. In Fujian, Jiangxi, Guangxi, Sichuan, Taiwan and other provinces, there are almost Hakka people. Statistics once said that the total Hakka population reached more than 50 million, accounting for 5% of the Han population. Only in Guangdong Province, the Guangdong Hakka people It accounts for one-third of the population of Guangdong. Overseas, many countries and regions have settlements of Guangdong Hakka people. Today, Hakka people are all over Asia. The Hakka population in Guangdong alone has a population of nearly 21 million.


This time we will embark on a longing journey to find our roots and visit our ancestors. More importantly, it will comfort the homesickness that hits our hearts all the time. We will embark on a journey to find dialects, Hakka culture and Hakka customs, and have discussions with local Hakka representatives. Taste Hakka food; as descendants of Hakka people living in South Australia, we will truly experience this strong local flavour of Hakka. On the one hand, we can comfort our deep longing for our homeland and our ancestors, and more importantly, It comforts the homesickness that strikes our hearts all the time.


In this meeting, the President said that he will again consult with the Four Seasons Travel and Tour  Agent.  Depending on how many people wanted to go, George suggests that he will need to get a new exact schedule  for our China Tour with a fixed Itinerary which could be happening around April, 2025.

The Committee proposes that our first China Tour focuses mainly in Guangdong, up to 10 days. And later in the year, or once a year, we could have another trip to other parts of China’s Hakka  Ancestral Heritage based on our Members’ feedback and demand.

2024 年 6 月 12 日委员会会议的更新
在这次会议上,会长表示,他将再次与四季旅行社协商。 根据想去的人数,George 建议他需要为我们的中国之旅制定一个新的确切时间表,并有一个固定的行程,可能在 2025 年 4 月左右进行。
组委会建议我们的首次中国之旅主要集中在广东,最长 10 天。在今年晚些时候,或每年一次,我们可以根据会员的反馈和需求,再次访问中国客家祖传的其他部分。


At the last meeting, the President said that he will again consult with the Four Seasons Travel and Tour Agent.  George said that April 2025 is too near and it is impossible to get things done to  be travelling by April next year.


In the meantime, we need to find out how many people would like to go. In this way, George could liaise with the Deputy Consul- General to assist us in this mission.  While we now knew that we will permit 2 weeks Visa free to China, we need to get a letter from the Chinese Embassy to facilitate a Tour – Organisation visiting China. George will also need to get a new plan from the Travel agent for this China Tour with a fixed Itinerary for September 2025.

At the previous meeting, the Committee proposed that our first China Tour should focus mainly in Guangdong, up to 10 days. And later in the year, or once a year, we could have another trip to other parts of China’s Hakka  Ancestral Heritage based on our Members’ feedback and demand.

2024 年 7 月 10 日委员会会议的最新情况
在最后一次会议上,会长表示,他将再次与四季旅游代理协商。 George 说,2025 年 4 月太近了,不可能在明年 4 月之前完成旅行。
与此同时,我们需要找出有多少人想去。通过这种方式,George 可以与副总领事联络,以协助我们完成这项任务。 虽然我们现在知道我们将允许免签证到中国 2 周,但我们需要从中国大使馆获得一封信,以促进旅行团访问中国。George 还需要从旅行社那里获得这次中国之旅的新计划,并确定 2025 年 9 月的行程。
​在上次会议上,委员会提议我们的首次中国之旅应主要集中在广东,最长 10 天。在今年晚些时候,或每年一次,我们可以根据会员的反馈和需求,再次访问中国客家祖传的其他部分。


Similar to the last meeting, the President said that he will in due course consult with the Four Seasons Travel and Tour Agent.  George said that April 2025 is too near and it is impossible to get things done by April 2025. George will coordinate with the Deputy Consul- General to assist us in this mission. 

George also said that he will try to find out more information when he is in China during his next trip. He will make clear and get a document from the Chinese Embassy to enable a Tour – Organisation visiting China. George  said he will after his trip; write a report and then get a new plan from the Travel agent for this China Tour with a fixed Itinerary possibly in September 2025.

As a reminder, the Committee recommended that our first China Tour would focus mainly in Guangdong, up to 10 days. And then we would later in the year, or once a year, make another trip to other parts of China’s Hakka  Ancestral Heritage depending on our Members’ response.

In the meantime, we need to find out how many people would like to go.

Expression of Interest Registration Form sent to members on 21 October 2024.

2024 年 9 月 04 日委员会会议的最新情况

与上次会议类似,会长表示,他将在适当的时候与四季旅行社进行磋商。 George 说,2025 年 4 月太近了,不可能在 2025 年 4 月之前完成工作。George 将与副总领事协调,协助我们完成这项任务。

乔治还表示,下次访问中国时,他将尝试了解更多信息。他将明确说明并从中国大使馆获得文件,以便能够访问中国的旅游组织。乔治说他旅行后会的;写一份报告,然后从旅行社那里获得这次中国之旅的新计划,行程固定,可能在 2025 年 9 月。

作为提醒,组委会建议我们的首次中国行将主要集中在广东,最长 10 天。然后,我们会在今年晚些时候或每年一次,根据会员的反应,再次访问中国客家祖传的其他地区。


2024 年 10 月 21 日向会员发送的意向书登记表

Update on the October 23, 2024 Committee meeting

As discussed Previously, we need to find out how many people would like to go to Guangzhou.

Expression of Interest Registration Form sent to members on 21 October 2024.


George said that he could liaise with the Deputy Consul- General to get a letter from the Chinese Embassy to facilitate a Tour – Organisation visiting China. Our first China Tour should focus mainly in Guangdong, up to 10 days. And later in the year, or once a year, we could have another trip to other parts of China’s Hakka  Ancestral Heritage based on our Members’ feedback and demand. George also said that he will after his trip; write a report and then get a new plan from the Travel agent for this China Tour with a fixed Itinerary possibly in September 2025.

2024 年 10 月 23日委员会会议的最新情况


2024 年 10 月 21 日向会员发送的意向书登记表。

乔治说,他可以与副总领事联络,从中国大使馆获得一封信,以促进一个旅游组织访问中国。我们的第一次中国之旅应该主要集中在广东,最多10天。在今年晚些时候,或每年一次,我们可以根据会员的反馈和需求,再次访问中国客家祖传的其他部分。乔治还说他会在旅行之后;写一份报告,然后从旅行社那里获得这次中国之旅的新计划,行程固定,可能在 2025 年 9 月。


As discussed Previously, we need to find out how many people would like to go to Guangzhou.

Expression of Interest Registration Form sent to members on 21 October 2024.


George said that he could liaise with the Deputy Consul- General to get a letter from the Chinese Embassy to facilitate a Tour – Organisation visiting China. Our first China Tour should focus mainly in Guangdong, up to 10 days. And later in the year, or once a year, we could have another trip to other parts of China’s Hakka  Ancestral Heritage based on our Members’ feedback and demand. George also said that he will after his trip; write a report and then get a new plan from the Travel agent for this China Tour with a fixed Itinerary possibly in September 2025.

2024 年 12 月 11 日委员会会议的最新消息


2024 年 10 月 21 日向会员发送的意向书登记表。

乔治说,他可以与副总领事联络,从中国大使馆获得一封信,以促进一个旅游组织访问中国。我们的第一次中国之旅应该主要集中在广东,最多10天。在今年晚些时候,或每年一次,我们可以根据会员的反馈和需求,再次访问中国客家祖传的其他部分。乔治还说他会在旅行之后;写一份报告,然后从旅行社那里获得这次中国之旅的新计划,行程固定,可能在 2025 年 9 月。


欢迎来到南澳客家公会网站! 如果您有兴趣并有任何疑问,请随时与我们联系。 再次感谢您的支持。

Welcome to Hakka Association of South Australia  Website!

If you are interested and have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you again for your support.

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