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The AGM & President Report

Anna Ho

The President welcomed and thanked everyone attended the 1st Annual General Meeting of the Hakka Association of South Australia Inc.

President Report 

The President presented his report, which is included in the

of these minutes.

Treasurer Report

The Treasurer, Kow Yan was invited to report on the financial matters of the Hakka Association of South Australia Inc. for the year ending 30 June 2024. The

has been endorsed, adopted and accepted by all present.

Selection of our Association's Logo

After a lengthy deliberation, the AGM approved the Association’s Logo

Election of Office Bearer

The Committee had been informed of the result of the Nomination of Office Bearers by the Election Officer, Yapp Hau Pehn, who is also our Legal Advisor. In the absence of Mr Yapp, President announced the result as follows:

The following valid nominations were received by the Election Officer for the 2024/2025 Committee:


1     President - George Chin


2     Vice Presidents - Dr Robin Chok


3     Hon Secretary - Anna Ho


4     Hon Treasurer - Kow Yan Lin


5     Committee Members (4) - Choo, Yun Peng

      (in alphabetical order)      - Kitingan, Alex

                                                      - Lai, Terry

                                                     - Luu, Vinh Hung


And the appointment of Richard Chong as Vice President, whose nomination was signed and submitted after the closing date of nomination.

Any Other Business

Dr. Peng Choo asked President George Chin about his meeting in August 2024 with Datuk Andrew Sim, South Australian Honorary Consul to Sabah in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. President responded that the meeting took place over coffee and provided an excellent platform for better understanding of each other roles.

Miroslav Kostecki, our new member who invented runlinc aka Hakka Technology gave some points of view about the connections and the logistical support re Hakka Technology workshop in Kiwanis Sabah given by Datuk Sim. He also touched on the successful launch on 17 August 2024 of South Australian Government funded internet of things (IoT) satellite 🛰️called Kanyini. Hakka Technology runlinc and Myriota provides students access to satellite 🛰️ IoT capabilities for the first time in the world to make STEM projects in climate change, smart farming, asset tracking in remote places which have no 🛜 internet or mobile coverage.







司库 Kow Yan 应邀汇报南澳大利亚客家公会截至 2024 年 6 月 30 日止年度的财务事宜。 本





选举主任 Yapp Hau Pehn 已向委员会通报了办公室负责人提名的结果,他也是我们的法律顾问。 在 Yapp 先生缺席的情况下,会长宣布结果如下:

2024/2025 年度委员会选举主任已收到以下有效提名:

1 会长- George Chin

2 位副会长 - Robin Chok 医生

3 名誉秘书 - Anna Ho

4 荣誉司库 - Kow Yan Lin

5 名委员 (4) - Choo, Yun Peng

(按字母顺序排列) - Kitingan, Alex

- Lai, Terry

- Luu, Vinh Hung

周年大会批准了上述任命,并批准任命 Richard Chong 为副会长,其提名在提名截止日期后签署并提交。


Peng Choo 博士询问了 George Chin 会长于 2024 年 8 月与南澳大利亚驻沙巴州名誉领事拿督 Andrew Sim 在马来西亚沙巴州亚庇的会面。会长回答说,会议是在喝咖啡时进行的,为更好地了解彼此的角色提供了一个很好的平台。

Miroslav Kostecki,我们的新成员,发明了 runlinc(又名客家科技),就拿督 Sim 在沙巴 Kiwanis 提供的客家技术研讨会的联系和后勤支持提出了一些观点。他还谈到了 2024 年 8 月 17 日南澳大利亚政府资助的名为 Kanyini 的物联网 (IoT) 卫星🛰️的成功发射。Hakka Technology runlinc 和 Myriota 在世界上首次为学生提供卫星🛰️物联网功能,以便在没有🛜互联网或移动覆盖的偏远地区进行气候变化、智能农业、资产跟踪方面的 STEM 项目。

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