[8:22 AM, 8/29/2024] Peng Choo:
RAS17 judging by Dr Jerry Madakbas and John Phillips in September 2017.
Dr Madakbas passed away in December 2017
[2024 年 8 月 29 日上午 8:22]周平:
RAS17 由 Jerry Madakbas 博士和 John Phillips 于 2017 年 9 月评判。
Madakbas 博士于 2017 年 12 月去世
[8:25 AM, 8/29/2024] Peng Choo:
Michael Zhang won 2 tickets from the Royal Adelaide Show 2017 ( RAS17) STEMSEL young inventors competitions to fly to Paris to tell his runlinc social business story.
On 6 November 2017 Michael Zhang explained runlinc Easy Coding to Queen Sofia of Spain and 2006 Nobel Laureate Professor Dr Yunus in Paris Social Business Conference.
[2024 年 8 月 29 日上午 8:25]周平:
Michael Zhang 赢得了 2017 年皇家阿德莱德展 (RAS17) STEMSEL 青年发明家比赛的 2 张门票,飞往巴黎讲述他的 runlinc 社会商业故事。
2017 年 11 月 6 日,Michael Zhang 在巴黎社会企业会议上向西班牙女王索非亚和 2006 年诺贝尔奖得主 Yunus 教授解释了 runlinc Easy Coding。
11 year old Michael Zhang got a hug and kiss from Queen Sofia after she heard Michael Zhang used runlinc Easy Coding to program a electronic trap to catch Grasshoppers and sell them to a chicken farmer for $20 so he can buy chocolate for the Hakka cocoa pickers who never tasted chocolate in Cameroon!!!
All this made possible by Mark Ryan who works for Trellis AI in Adelaide.
Trellis Data combines natural language processing and Automated Speech Recognition (ASR) technology to: translate between multiple languages. Identify speakers. Quickly and easily refine your model to improve results for local dialects and accents.
Mark is on left of photo.
He has been a long time supporter of STEMSEL runlinc Easy Coding project.
11 岁的 Michael Zhang 听说 Michael Zhang 使用 runlinc Easy Coding 编写了一个电子陷阱来捕捉蚱蜢并以 20 美元的价格将它们卖给养鸡户,这样他就可以为在喀麦隆从未品尝过巧克力的客家可可采摘者购买巧克力,因此他得到了索菲亚女王的拥抱和亲吻!!
所有这一切都是由在阿德莱德的 Trellis AI 工作的 Mark Ryan 实现的。
Trellis Data 将自然语言处理和自动语音识别 (ASR) 技术相结合,以:在多种语言之间进行翻译。确定说话人。快速轻松地优化模型,以改善当地方言和口音的结果。
Mark 在照片左侧。
他一直是 STEMSEL runlinc Easy Coding 项目的长期支持者。