22/9/23, 4:31 pm - Anna Ho: runlinc Fast Coding Hakka Technology will add another chapter to IoT Education of Industry Revolution 4.0 IR4.0 through Hakka students giving a helping hand to the underserved people.

23/9/23, 4:12 pm - Anna Ho: Hi members
Sorry the wrong link about Hakka people’s thinking about education.
The correct link was about Westerners’ observation about Hakka people putting strong emphasis on education.
runlinc Fast Coding Hakka Technology will add another chapter to IoT Education of Industry Revolution 4.0 IR4.0 through Hakka students giving a helping hand to the underserved people.
24/9/23, 7:21 pm - Anna Ho: El Chinito ( Hakka Yong) Sandwish bars in Lima Peru
Training University of Wollongong UoW Malaysia students to use runlinc IoT Hakka Technology to develop case studies e.g. increase customers to Breadshop such as El-Chinito sandwich bars:
runlinc Fast Coding saves time to add more features to IoT projects to win STEM Coding IoT AI competitions in order to win scholarships and jobs to reduce financial burden of families.